Terminologia dels instruments musicals - Presentació
© Author and Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2015-2024
In collaboration with: Amical Wikimedia; The Auditorium Museum of Music, Higher School of Music of Catalonia; Casa Parramon; Som Sardana
Terminologia dels instruments musicals" ("Terminology of Musical Instruments") is a dictionary that aims to compile terminology related to musical instruments, particularly their names and the names of their components.
It primarily includes 455 terms classified thematically within the five main categories into which musical instruments are divided: idiophones, membranophones, chordophones, aerophones, and electrophones, along with a section dedicated to traditional Catalan instruments. Each entry provides the Catalan name of the instrument, an identifying image, and equivalents in Spanish, English, and French, with German and Italian equivalents also included in some cases. This selection of terms is part of the Viccionari ("Wiktionary") project, led by the Catalan association Amical Wikimedia.
As a result of a collaboration with the Museum of Music of Barcelona, the Higher School of Music of Catalonia, Casa Parramon, and Som Sardana, the dictionary includes terminology related to cobla instruments and the names of the parts of certain instruments such as the clarinet, oboe, guitar, saxophone, violin, cello, piano, and drums (also featured in nine multimedia infographics illustrating them).
By clicking on "Consulta de termes" ("Term search"), terms can be looked up in three ways: by using the alphabetical indexes (there is a separate index for each language), by using the thematic index, or by performing a simple or advanced search in the "Text de la consulta" ("Text search") field, in any of the dictionary's languages.
Complementary material:
Guitar (Infografia)
Saxophone (Infografia)
Piano (Infografia)
Violin (Infografia)
Violoncello (Infografia)
Clarinet (Infografia)
Author and Publisher:
In collaboration with:
TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Terminologia dels instruments musicals [en línia]. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2015-2024. (Diccionaris en Línia)