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Terminologia de fustes exòtiques

Terminologia de fustes exòtiques - Presentació

© Author and publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2018 (First edition : 2006)
In collaboration with: Furniture Study Association


This dictionary collects about a hundred terms corresponding to wood used currently in Europe but coming from non-European countries, mainly from Africa, Asia and America. Each term contains the denominations and the definition in Catalan and the equivalents in Spanish, French, English and German.

All the Catalan denominations have been standardized by the Supervisory Council of TERMCAT, since there were no names established in Catalan to refer to these woods. The decision on the different denominations has been complex, because the same wood can receive many different names, not only depending on the languages (Spanish, French, English, etc.) but also within a same language. The reason is that Western languages often use the names that are used in the countries of origin and the same wood may have different origins.

Many equivalents have been extracted from the UNE-EN 13556 standard, which is at the same time the official version in Spanish of the European Standard 13556, of June 2003. The reference literature taken into account to compile the terminology has been, however, much wider.

In the definitions you can find the wood native place, the scientific name of the species (or species) from which it is extracted from which it is extracted and other important features (specific weight, hardness, duramen color, sapwood color, main uses, etc.). You will find further information about species from which these woods come in Cercaterm.

This dictionary has been developed with the collaboration of experts from the Furniture Study Association. Experts from the University of Lleida and the University of Barcelona have also participated. TERMCAT's revision of the terminology of the Xiloteca, a collection of wood samples offered by the Furniture Study Association and the Documentation Center of the Design Museum of Barcelona, has been an important source for its completion.

Clicking on “Consulta de termes” (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language) or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space “Text de la consulta” (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.


Work team


Author and publisher:



In collaboration with:

Associació per a l'Estudi del Moble


TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Vocabulari de fustes exòtiques [en línia]. 2a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2018. (Diccionaris en Línia)<>


Darrera actualització: 29-11-2019