Lèxic d’al·lèrgies - Presentación
© Authors: Government of Catalonia. Ministry of Health; TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology
© Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2021
The Lèxic d’al·lèrgies (‘Lexicon of allergies’) has 1.972 terms relating to allergic disorders caused by different allergens, mainly drugs, food, chemicals and plants. This terminology is part of the Allergies subset of the Catalan extension of SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine - Clinical Terms), a comprehensive, multilingual, coded clinical healthcare terminology.
The data offered in this online dictionary comes from the counselling request made by the Service of Language Planning of the Catalan Ministry of Health in 2020. The task of TERMCAT was to validate the Catalan version of the subset of allergic manifestations. This was part of the iSalut Clinical Dictionary project, managed by TIC Salut Social Foundation’s OFSTI (Office of Interoperability and Standards) in collaboration with the Information Systems Area of Institut Català de la Salut (Catalan Institute of Health). The information contained in this online dictionary has been adapted to a terminographic format in order to make data retrieval easier.
This online dictionary contains 3.158 Catalan denominations, 421 Spanish equivalents and 1.798 English equivalents in all, as well as the corresponding codes of the international version of SNOMED CT and its Catalan extension associated to each allergy.
Each terminological entry includes the preferred denomination in Catalan and the corresponding synonyms, if any; equivalents in Spanish or English, and the corresponding code. Regarding the equivalents, it should be noted that the vast majority of entries only includes equivalencies in one language, be it Spanish or English. The reason is that the source data consists of a series of entries either in Spanish or in English, according to the origin of the nomenclature. The entries having equivalents in Spanish are those created on Catalonia and are to be incorporated to SNOMED CT International. The entries with English equivalents come from the international SNOMED CT nomenclature. This difference based on the origin of the entries can also be seen in the corresponding codes: for the nomenclature created in Catalonia, the provisional code, which is to be incorporated to SNOMED CT International, can be found in the note field; for the international nomenclature, the SNOMED CT code is included in the denomination field, under the code language.
TERMCAT has published the terminology contained in the allergies subset of SNOMED CT with the appropriate modifications to offer homogeneous data in a terminological format. This dictionary doesn’t include any definitions because of the descriptive nature of its denominations. Notes with linguistic content have been added when deemed necessary. There are also some notes with the codes corresponding to the nomenclature created in Catalonia.
Clicking on "Consulta de termes" (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language) or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space "Text de la consulta" (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.
CATALUNYA. DEPARTAMENT DE SALUT; TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Lèxic d'al·lèrgies [en línia]. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2021. (Diccionaris en Línia)