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Diccionari LGBT (lèsbic, gai, bisexual, trans)

Diccionari LGBT (lèsbic, gai, bisexual, trans) - Presentación

© Author: Marta Breu
© Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2021 (First edition: 2013)
With the advice of: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology


This dictionary, elaborated by the linguist Marta Breu with the terminological advice and edition of TERMCAT, offers about 400 terms related to the LGBT community (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders), with the denomination and the definition in Catalan and the equivalents in Spanish, English and French.

It is a terminology related to the sexual orientation, sexual and gender identity, sexuality and the relationship between the LGBT community and the society (activism, rights and family, entertainment, etc.). This dictionary has its origins in a previous terminological vocabulary compiled by the author as a master dissertation, and edited by TERMCAT. The dictionary is an exhaustive revision of this first terminological work, and includes a considerable increase of the number of entries, including those related to gender identity and sexuality.

Clicking on Consulta de termes (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in three ways: either using the alphabetical indexes (available in Catalan, Spanish, French and English), or using the thematic access, or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space Text de la consulta (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.


Concept diagram


Publisher and adviser:



BREU, Marta. Diccionari LGBT (lèsbic, gai, bisexual, trans) [en línia]. 3a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2021. (Diccionaris en Línia)


Última actualización: 12-09-2024