Terminologia de les migracions - Presentación
© Author and publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2019 (First edition: 2016)
With the support of: Government of Andorra
The online dictionary Terminologia de les migracions (‘Terminology of Migrations’) gathers 113 terms related to migratory movements, such as kinds of displacements, situations that migrants can go through, or effects of migrations. Each terminological entry contains the preferred denomination in Catalan and the corresponding synonyms, if any; equivalents in Spanish, French and English; a definition in Catalan, and explanatory notes when necessary.
These terms are part of a wider dictionary on international relations. At present, migratory movements are a topical issue. It is for that reason that it has been deemed convenient to publish the basic terminology of this field in a dictionary.
Some of the terms contained in this online dictionary (around twenty terms) have been studied in detail, either because the Catalan denomination was not clearly established or either because the concept was hard to define due to its complexity. For this reason, a standardisation meeting with experts was held to examine each term individually, with the aim of agreeing on a denomination and a definition. These terms were then approved by TERMCAT’s Supervisory Council in one of its regular meetings. Thus, these terms have now the category of standardised terms.
Clicking on "Consulta de termes" (‘Term search’), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language) or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space "Text de la consulta" (‘Text search’) in any of the dictionary languages.
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Infographic on the condition of refugee
Author and publisher:
With the support of:
TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia. Terminologia de les migracions [en línia]. 2a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2019. (Diccionaris en Línia)