European Association for Terminology (EAFT)

The European Association for Terminology's (EAFT) mission is to use terminology to foster multilingualism, providing a platform that promotes and adds to the professionalism of terminology work across Europe, improving its recognition and building bridges for cooperation between organizations, associations and entities interested in terminology.

Currently EAFT has more than 50 member organizations from all over Europe: TERMNET,DGTRAD and TermCoord (European Parliament), IULA, REALITER, ELETO (Greece), Civil Society Platform, ISO/TC37, GTW (The Association for Terminology and Knowledge Transfer), Nordterm, DCU Languages Service, Foras na Gaeilge (Irland), RITERM, Språkrådet (Norway), Strüna (Croatia), Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language ZRC SAZU (Slovenia), School of Marketing and Communication, University of Vaasa, (Finland), Xarxa Vives, UZEI (Basc Country), just to name a few.  

TERMCAT holds the executive secretariat and the treasury and coordinates communication & cooperation development.

Summit 2023

Cimera de l'AET 2023

European Terminology Summit in Barcelona, Institut d’Estudis Catalans 2023